Ryan Kadri
Software Developer
I like finding creative solutions to unusual problems. My ideal job would allow me to develop easy-to-use software that has a positive impact on others. I love web development. I am excited about new browser capabilities, upcoming ECMAScript proposals, and TypeScript.
Capital One Full Stack Developer - Implemented a frontend redesign for a Knowledge Management app
- Migrated backend services from Clojure to TypeScript and onto a CICD platform
XSRT (Open Source) Project Maintainer - Designed and built a session recording tool for web applications
- Worked with React, Typescript, and Webpack to build a fast, modern frontend
- Used MongoDB, Express, and Docker to build a scalable, flexible backend
SEI Investments Platform Developer / Platform Tech Lead - Provided technical designs for Java Spring and PL/SQL projects (among others)
- Used Angular, Tomcat, and MySQL to develop tools for improving testing efficiency
- Acted as a Tech Lead while the Test Automation team grew from 3 to 28 developers
Rutgers University Computer Engineering / Computer Science - Received the Rutgers Presidential Scholarship
- Minors in Math and Physics
SEI Test Automation Orchestrator A test runner and workflow management tool for end-to-end automated tests at SEI. Managed thousands of tests over SEI's entire product line
SEI Angular Component Documentation Tool A static-analysis tool for creating documentation from Angular projects
This resume Built from scratch, with love